

“The Difference is Love” sm©

“We want our homes to be not better but the best”     Mother M. Angeline Teresa O. Carm.

The Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm are a religious congregation dedicated to the service of God in an apostolate which focuses on the care of the older population. Founded in 1929 by Mother M. Angeline Teresa from Co. Tyrone, a charismatic visionary woman of the 20th century, this religious community determined the future delivery of healthcare to the elderly. Through the efforts and service of dedicated and committed staff members, homes operated by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm continue to be the standard bearers.

The qualities exemplified by Mother Angeline continue to be the hallmark of Carmelite Care. You can expect that these qualities of Mother Angeline will be reflected in all areas of care to you or your loved ones, because everyone here is a special person.